Friday, September 16, 2011


When life gives you lemons you make lemonade. A simple phrase has been so helpful with me the past few weeks. It has seemed that nothing has gone right and everything goes downhill. But when life gives you lemons, you simply make lemonade. There is no point in dwelling on what happens if it makes you sad, you just have to realize that everything happens for a reason. Why do we tend to take everything to heart these days? If someone says something hurtful or something goes wrong just brush it off. It is a lesson I have learned that I definately need to work on. I need to live life to the fullest and just enjoy life. Life can get busy and hectic but everyone needs to take some time to just take a deep breath and reflect on everything going on in your life. Realize that everything does happen for a reason. I have learned people don't just say that to say it, but it is in fact a VERY true statement. It's time to start living with that phrase being my modo. Random I know, but it has just been on my life lately. LOVE LIFE<3

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