Friday, October 21, 2011

Currently Week 1 Quarter 2

Books I read this week:
The Luxe by Anna Godbersen

Pages this week: 79 (113-192)

Favorite Style Mapping:

1. FROM BECCA'S BLOG: His description of the town of Wall is straightforward and literal - it isn't until later in the book that a more poetic language is developed.
This is post is one of my favorites because she describes it clearly with words that catch your eye. She used different adjectives that most people used.
2. FROM BOOKLOVER17: "Girls are secretive, they destroy you from the inside," qualifies as being straightfoward and harsh, although a little of the truth.
I like the way she described the books with a lot of adjectives that were very descriptive. The way she described the language made me want to read the books!
3. FROM EDDIE: Meridian uses figurative language to also describe his fear of citizenry and uses vast diction to add a old fashion appearance to the novel. I love the way this person described the books, she used the most interesting to read adjectives. This one is probably my favorite!
4. FROM KIM'S CORNER: In Neil's excerpt he writes in a style that is dull and archaic as he describes that stoney features of the town of Wall. I love the adjectives, especially archaic and stoney. She gives great imagery.
5. FROM A SCRAP OF PARCHMENT: Words like "thunderclap" "gnashing" and "hobbled" create a harsh feel to emphasize the bitterness. I love how in depth this person got with the feelings from the book. I love the way they connected.

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