Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Today is a difficult day. It marks the one year anniversary of my father's death. This past year has been filled with so much sorrow and grief that sometimes it was hard to stand. I know many people say that their dad was the best father in the world, but I strongly believe that mine truly was. This past week has been especially hard, as I go through the entire week of his accident all over inside my head. Seeing him laying there, hopless and comotose was something that is imprinted in my memory forever. It was a week of  true tragedy and shock that still to this day I can not comprehend. Getting the call from the hospital, telling me they had air lifted my father and to come to the ICU immediately without any other information sent a surge of terror and uncertainty through my body. We had no idea what to expect until we walked into his room, a sight I almost regret seeing..but I know to make it a reality to me, I had to see him. I was scared, more so than I probably ever will be. When I actually realized how bad the accident had actually been I physically could not stop the tears from streaming down my face. It got to a point where I was completely numb from the pain and I could not understand why the tears would not stop. My head was trying to catch up to my heart with this mass of shock and the only reaction my body had was to cry. Cry, sob, and cry. Between the dates October 28, 2010 and November 2, 2010 my world was changed forever. I have come to realize that most people take their day to day life for granted. Before his accident I would get up and the hardest thing I would have to think and worry about was wether or not I should straighten or curl my hair. Now I say let's go natural, and worry about making sure the ones around you know that you love them. Because you never know when your last moment with someone will be. Don't take any relationship for granted, ever. I have learned to live with an amputation. Life without my father. My best friend. I am healing, but I will never be the same.  I seldom stop to thank God, with a pure and sincere heart, for all I do have. All joy and happiness comes from love. And that is what my father taught me. Having such a terrific father for fifteen years of my life, raising me with pure love and teaching me right from wrong, is more than some kids get in an lifetime.

I try now to make you proud, dad. I want to work towards everything you have ever wanted for me. Love and happiness. Everything else is just a bonus on this earth before we get to our true destination, which I know is where you are waiting for me and all your loved ones you left behind. I know if anyone deserved a shortcut to eternal happiness, it was you. I love you forever. <3

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