Thursday, August 25, 2011

"The Gaurdian"

This week I began to read a book called "The Gaurdian" by Nicholas Sparks. It is a book about a girl, Julie, who lost her husband shortly after they were married. It took her over two years to move on after his death. She works at a salon for her deceased husband, Jim's, Aunt Mabel. She helps her get her life on track again and start back in the dating world.
She meets a man named Richard, who is the most elligable bachelor in town. She starts to wander why he doesn't "knock her socks off" after the few dates they have had together. I think it could be because she is still getting over Jim. But she may also have feelings for Jim's old best friend Mike. Who helped her get through the loss and has always been there for her. She seems very confused about her feelings and can't seem to figure out what she wants. Mike is obviously in love with her, and to me Richard seems way to materialistic. He is trying to buy her love, but Mike is genuine about his feelings. When I think of being in love it is supposed to be about the way a person makes you feel, not about what they are willing to buy you. Love is not something you can buy. She may just be running away from Mike because he was best friends with Jim and she may think that it is wrong to be with him when they have been best friends for so long. She worrys about what Jim might think if he could know, and how wrong that would be if they were to be together. But I believe everything happens for a reason. Jim and Julie were meant to be together for that time period, but Jim was meant to leave this earth when his time came. Julie can't just sit and wait for her time to come and be lonely the rest of her life, she needs to keep what they had in her heart. But she needs to be with someone for the remainder of her time, to keep her life full of happiness and love.
This story is relateable to me in some ways. When it comes to love and loss. I lost my dad in a car accident last year and for a long time I didn't know how to move on. He was my best friend and it took me a while to realize that it was his time. I have to stay here and make my life as happy as I can and not look back on the last moments, but what an amazing father he was to me for 15 years of my life. Certain people were put into my life to help get me through it, and I realized it when they were. When someone in your life is lost that you love so much, it takes time to move on. You never forget them, but the sadness begins to fade when you meet other people who make you happy as well. When I read this book I want to scream to Julie and say "DON'T BE STUPID! YOU LOVE EACHOTHER STOP WASTING TIME! YOU NEED HIM JULIE!" But then I realize that I am reading a book. All I can hope for is that she realizes it soon enough so they can start living their lives the way that everyone else sees it should be. Love is the most important thing on this earth, and those who sit back and ignore it, to me, are the stupidest people on the planet. Nothing can make you happier than knowing someone out there loves you, and you love them just as much.

1 comment:

  1. Allie, I have yelled at characters in a book before. It's pretty embarrasing when there are people around you! haha. I like your background too.
