Friday, November 11, 2011


?: Where and when did you find yourself sitting down to read? Do you tend to read with music on, or in silence? By the computer? Did you find yourself checking your phone a lot, or do you ever lose yourself in the reading? Do you ever talk about the books you read with your family or friends or teachers?

Before this class I never read. I read a book only if I had to and it wasn't a book that I picked or looked forward to spend time getting lost in it. This class pushed me in the way that I needed. As the semester went on I looked forward more and more to crawling under the covers in complete silence and get lost in my book. My grandpa always used to tell me that if you have a good book you will always have a friend. I never understood what he meant until this class. He's the kind of guy you don't see out in public without a book and can read a 500 page book in a day. This class made me relate to him more and helped me realize that reading can be so exciting and amazing if you let it. I found myself getting in bed earlier in complete silence just to read my book. I got to pick books that I was interested in and got to a point where I couldn't put them down. I now pick up my book before I pick up the remote. This class has changed my view of entertainment and getting absorbed in the life of a book is definately better than killing my brain cells watching TV. Now I look forward to piece and quiet after a long day with my new best friends. My books.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Currently 11-4-11 (Week 3)

Books I Read This Week:
The Luxe by Anna Godbersen

Pages This Week: 54
Pages This Semester: 1217

Sentences of the Week:

1. "And our names on that ring,
they’re only the most ordinary names." - From the poem "Identification" by Wisława Szymborska.
2. Henry contemplated the great red face, with its unfortunate contrast to the slicked, black hair, and wondered if he would ever make the old man happy. - From The Luxe by Anna Godberson
3. "You might not know it was unless you knew." From the poem "The Crossroads" by Joshua Mehigan.
In sentence number one the women is in denial that it is her husband that she is identifying as the man
who had died in the plane crash. Your heart immediately starts to ache for her as she hopes and prays
that it is not him, but in all reality everyone knows that it is. Sentence number two caught my attention
because I think most kids try their hardest to make their parents proud, as much as they do not want to
admit it. We strive for their approval, and in sentence two the son feel as if he never will get that from his
father. I related to sentence number three more so than any of the other sentences. This was a poem
a spot of a car accident where a loved one had died and cars drive past it every day and have no idea that
someone so important was killed in that very spot. Therefore, you might not know unless you knew. It just
sort of makes you think.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Today is a difficult day. It marks the one year anniversary of my father's death. This past year has been filled with so much sorrow and grief that sometimes it was hard to stand. I know many people say that their dad was the best father in the world, but I strongly believe that mine truly was. This past week has been especially hard, as I go through the entire week of his accident all over inside my head. Seeing him laying there, hopless and comotose was something that is imprinted in my memory forever. It was a week of  true tragedy and shock that still to this day I can not comprehend. Getting the call from the hospital, telling me they had air lifted my father and to come to the ICU immediately without any other information sent a surge of terror and uncertainty through my body. We had no idea what to expect until we walked into his room, a sight I almost regret seeing..but I know to make it a reality to me, I had to see him. I was scared, more so than I probably ever will be. When I actually realized how bad the accident had actually been I physically could not stop the tears from streaming down my face. It got to a point where I was completely numb from the pain and I could not understand why the tears would not stop. My head was trying to catch up to my heart with this mass of shock and the only reaction my body had was to cry. Cry, sob, and cry. Between the dates October 28, 2010 and November 2, 2010 my world was changed forever. I have come to realize that most people take their day to day life for granted. Before his accident I would get up and the hardest thing I would have to think and worry about was wether or not I should straighten or curl my hair. Now I say let's go natural, and worry about making sure the ones around you know that you love them. Because you never know when your last moment with someone will be. Don't take any relationship for granted, ever. I have learned to live with an amputation. Life without my father. My best friend. I am healing, but I will never be the same.  I seldom stop to thank God, with a pure and sincere heart, for all I do have. All joy and happiness comes from love. And that is what my father taught me. Having such a terrific father for fifteen years of my life, raising me with pure love and teaching me right from wrong, is more than some kids get in an lifetime.

I try now to make you proud, dad. I want to work towards everything you have ever wanted for me. Love and happiness. Everything else is just a bonus on this earth before we get to our true destination, which I know is where you are waiting for me and all your loved ones you left behind. I know if anyone deserved a shortcut to eternal happiness, it was you. I love you forever. <3

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Close-reading Bingo

1. This person used a stand alone quote. 
"And love was why Brooks walked backwards everyday, guarding our vulnerable rear as we moved."

2. This person had weakness number one, they should try to avoid the "he says" or in this case "he writes."
In the excerpt from The Mezzanine  by Nicholson Baker, he writes with an elevated refinement that is both dignified and straight-forward.

3. They have weakness number 9, by not placing a noun or a noun phrase after the word this.
This gives the impression of a fancy an intimidating lobby. Also, the matter of fact way Baker describes the lobby makes the reader sense that this is somewhere to not be impressed with, its an everyday occurrence. 

4. This person violated weakness number 6 by saying using and utilizes in the same sentence.In the excerpt from Cather in the Rye, J.D. Salinger, utilizes a use of simple, but complex vocabulary.

This one is my favorite:)
The colloquial, coarse, and somewhat unmannerly diction in "Catcher in the Rye" exemplifies the narrator's down-to-earth, pissed off at the world personality. His defiant and thick skinned nature jumps out when he explains that all the background information about his life is just "David Copperfield kind of crap" that bores him. As the passage goes on, the author uses phrases like "He's got a lot of dough" and "they're also touchy as hell" to make it feel as though the narrator is just another regular kid who is telling you a story. The terse and all together informal nature of the narrator echoes through the entire passage in this excerpt from "Catcher in the Rye."

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Practice Diction Analysis

      In the excerpt from the novel Catcher in the Rye the author starts out with a harsh and condescending tone. He describes the boy’s feelings towards his parents with a negative, abusive and defiant diction. He makes it clear with his word choice that the feelings of the boy are arrogant and bitter towards his parents. He describes them as being nice but too touchy, so they obviously get on his nerves. Therefore, the author uses tone to show the criticism the boy has towards them to a point of no return.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Currently Week 1 Quarter 2

Books I read this week:
The Luxe by Anna Godbersen

Pages this week: 79 (113-192)

Favorite Style Mapping:

1. FROM BECCA'S BLOG: His description of the town of Wall is straightforward and literal - it isn't until later in the book that a more poetic language is developed.
This is post is one of my favorites because she describes it clearly with words that catch your eye. She used different adjectives that most people used.
2. FROM BOOKLOVER17: "Girls are secretive, they destroy you from the inside," qualifies as being straightfoward and harsh, although a little of the truth.
I like the way she described the books with a lot of adjectives that were very descriptive. The way she described the language made me want to read the books!
3. FROM EDDIE: Meridian uses figurative language to also describe his fear of citizenry and uses vast diction to add a old fashion appearance to the novel. I love the way this person described the books, she used the most interesting to read adjectives. This one is probably my favorite!
4. FROM KIM'S CORNER: In Neil's excerpt he writes in a style that is dull and archaic as he describes that stoney features of the town of Wall. I love the adjectives, especially archaic and stoney. She gives great imagery.
5. FROM A SCRAP OF PARCHMENT: Words like "thunderclap" "gnashing" and "hobbled" create a harsh feel to emphasize the bitterness. I love how in depth this person got with the feelings from the book. I love the way they connected.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

"Style Mapping"

     My first observation will be from the author Jenny Downham using the book Before I Die. Her language is blunt and familiar. She gets straight to the point in the first sentence let alone the first page. The first sentence grabs your attention. It simply states, I wish I had a boyfriend. It is more harsh than it is musical I would say. My second expert is from the book The Luxe by Anna Godbersen. This book takes place in the 1800's so naturally the diction and language is more formal and musical. Although it can be harsh the language she uses is high and elegant. It is conclusive that her style of writing is high and connotative. My final exerpt was from the novel The Brambles by Eliza Minot. She is a desriptive and inticate writer. She uses a language right off the bat that is scholary and elevated. Even though she uses a high language it has at the same time a hamonious and sweet sound to it. All of these books are so unique, and there are a whole variety of dictions.

Friday, October 14, 2011


This class has opened up my eyes that reading is actually very enjoyable. I used to never read, for fun at least. This class has showed me that when you have a book you always have a friend. When you are involved with a book you become a part of that book. I think of myself as one of the characters watching everything happen from the sidelines. I have suprised myself with how much I am actually reading and I have read books that I can't seem to put down. I have enjoyed this class so much because it pushed me to actually have experiences with reading books that I actually love reading and can't seem to put down. I don't get bored because I get to choose the books to read that I am most interested in. I wish every english class was like this because more kids would love reading in their spare time, like I have done this year. I read most before bed, it's so relaxing and entertaining. It may not be best because sometimes I can't put it down and end up staying up way too late, but hey you only live once. If you're enjoying it, don't stop! That's my theory. I think my goal for this semester would to read a whole variety of books, and push myself to read ones out of my comfort zone. I tend to just read the sappy teen love stories, and I think I would enjoy more books not in that category. I just have to find a good one!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011



Currently week 5

Pages this week/semester: not sure, turned info in on bookmark
Finished Rules of Attraction
Started The Luxe by Anna Godberson

Sentences of the week!

1. "But you seem to be the young lady most in demand for waltzes tonight." - The Luxe
2. But she kept smiling, of course. It was her habit. - The Luxe
3. This was not the heart-stopping touch that she had been wating for all evening, and it didn't help especially that his style of kissing was akin to mashing one face against another. -The Luxe
All of my sentences this week are from the book I am currently reading, The Luxe. In the first sentence Elizabeth's mother has taken her away from her friends at the ball to dance with all the men who are asking for her. I love how she used the word waltzes because that is not a common word these days and it brings the image of a true ball back in the 1800's to your mind when girls wore the biggest dress they could find. Elizabeth is the most eligible lady of the evening, and many of the men are asking for her. She finds it a little overwhelming. This leads to the second sentence, which is about her feelings toward one of the men she had to dance with. She was not enjoying herself at all, and the man was quite homely and disrespectful. But because Elizabeth was tought such good manners, she smiled and acted as if she was having fun with him. Hiding how she really felt during the dance. The next sentence is about Elizabeth's attention seeking sister, Diana. She was at the same ball as her sister but instead of being the person her sister was with fake smiles and careful manners, she was more of the trouble child. She gave a not to the most attractive man she could find there and told him to meet her in one of the rooms that is private. There she seduced him, but as the sentence demonstrates did not feel a thing between the two of them.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Luxe
I started a new book this week called The Luxe since I finished my old book last week. It is kinda hard to follow, but yet I can't seem to put it down. The setting is in 1899 so the way people live and communicate is much different than how we live today. The way they talk draws me in because it is so foreign to me grabs my attention immediately. Also, in the first chapter it takes place at 18 year old Elizabeth Holland's funeral. Then the next chapter goes back in time and starts to tell the story of her and her sister Diana. Pretty girls in pretty dresses, partying until dawn. Irresistible boys with sly smiles and dangerous intentions. White lies, dark secrets, and scandalous hookups all happen within the first chapter. This is Manhattan 1899. Elizabeth and Diana Holland rule Manhattan's social scene. But when the girls discover their family's status is far from secure, suddenly everyone is a threat to their golden future. Set in a world of luxury and deception, this thrilling trip to the age of innocence is anything but innocent. Just a little exert from the book, it is so enticing and juicy, I can't wait to see what happens.  

Friday, September 30, 2011


Rules of Attraction by Simone Elkeles

This week I finished the book Rules of Attraction. It was absolutely amazing, I loved it. I could not put it down! Carlos Fuentes and Karia Westford were the main characters. After Carlos had to move from Colorado to Mexico to get back on the right track. He stays with Professor Westford and his family. He has a daughter Kiara who is not what Carlos would think is his type at all. She is modest and wears baggy clothes, she likes to hike and fix cars. Carlos is a rebel and a bad boy, but can't shake the feeling that him and Kiara are made for each other. Towards the end of the book Carlos gets forced into a drug deal as a guy Devlin's new bag boy. He opends up to his brother Alex and Westford about it, and together they risk their lives to save Carlos's and free him of the drug dealing world. Him and Kiara also go to homecoming together and can't deny the attraction to one another and end up being together forever. It was filled with so much passion and intensity that no one would be able to put it down. I highly reccomend this book, and the first book in the series, Perfect Chemistry. They are alike in many ways but the first one is the story of Alex, Carlos's brother, while this one is the story of Carlos's life. There is also a third book that I am going to go get called Chain Reaction. It is the story of the last Fuentes boy, Luis. I connected to this story in many ways, they talk about loss and love throughout the whole novel, which I experience in my life. It always has a point of having family always come first, which is something I have lived by my whole life. Blood is thicker than water. In the book Carlos always has his family's back, and they always have his. Regardless if you are putting your life at risk to be there for your family. They did, and so would I, in a second.


Friday, September 23, 2011


So lately I have been pretty bad about reflecting on the books I have been reading. I actually tripped over my power cord to my computer and completely broke the inside of my computer...which left me without a computer and without money for a pretty long time. But I got paid..and I got it fixed so I should get back into the swing of things now. I ended up not finishing the went really slow for me and I just could not get into it. I think I have readers ADD..but right now I am obsessed with the book Rules of Attraction. It is a sequal to the book Perfect Chemistry which I read during the summer and fell in love with. Its one of those books you can't put down. At night I love to read, but a lot of the time I debate picking up that book because I know I will end up having to stay up late to get to a good spot to stop..which is pretty much never. So I try not to read it before bed, otherwise I would be up allll night. The feeling of being so absorbed in a book though is truly a great feeling. It's like your own little fake world that you can just go to. My grandpa always has been a bookworm you never see him without a book. He always told me growing up that you will always have a friend as long as you have a book. He was right! Whenever I get into a book I feel like I'm a part of that world of the book, living what I am reading. It's great:)
So Rules of Attraction is a pretty racy novel. It is filled with passion, love, aggression, fear, rebelion, comedy and sooooo much more. It's a classic teenage chick read. This girl falls in love with the new bad boy from Mexico when she sees his soft side. He has a hard time openeing up but when he does they are completely and madly in love. My love life has been a complete and utter wreck lately so it's nice to kinda get absorbed in a book that has true love and passion within it. I just can't stop reading it!! I love it :)



Books I read this week:
Rules of Attraction by Simone Elkeles

Pages this week: 128
Pages this semester: 862

Sentences of the month!!
1. The evening wore on and the sky deepened in color, unveiling the stars. -The Gaurdian
2. "Thanks for coming to my rescue. You're worthless in an emergency." - The Gaurdian
3. He met her eyes, staring as if he were seeing her for the first time.-The Gaurdian
My all time favorite sentence of the month is...The evening wore on and the sky depened in color, unveiling the stars. It contanis such wonderful imagery that I can just picture it so perfectly. I love the idea of the way the stars unveil as the night goes on. Just the way the author put it makes it such a perfect sentence to me. The second sentence made me laugh the most out of any other sentences this month that I read in my book. And of course, the last one. I always need to throw in a little romance to feel warm and fuzzy inside. :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I just came across a quote that really spoke to me and I wanted to write it somewhere before I forgot it.
Tough times never last. Tough people do.

LOVEE ITTT!! It's so true.

Top 5 Claims

Kelly - In this dance routine, the modern, pounding sound of the drums, the intence and piercing facial expressions and the alive, over the top arm movements creates a sense of fragile chemistry between two people that are desperate yet indecisive at the same time.
Untitled - The sweet tasing sensation of a skittle releases a flavor of fruitiness drowing all your taste buds in a pool of heaven. The numerous amount of these miniture, round, chewy candies create a rainbow effect in your mouth when devoured.

Live, Laugh, Read. - The joyful, eager horses run passionately to their peaceful destination which highlights the beauty of the cool, calm, and natural feel of this early fall morning.
The New Zealander - On the album cover of Titus Andronicus's "The Airing of Grievances," the commanding, classic font and layout of the cover, as well as the cluttered and colorful use of space in the photograph convey the band's homely practice environment and admiration for the old-fashioned symbols of history.   

Kim's Corner - In Bérenger's black and white photograph, his dramatic contrast and enticing depth of field draw the viewer into the picture with active negative space that elevates the shadows from the composition to illustrate an ominous and mysterious mood.

My favorite claim is Kelly's. It was extremely descriptive and it made me want to watch the dance video. It was passionate and made the video that much better because I already knew the feeling of the dance.

I loved untitles, because everything was so true! I love skittles! :)

Monday, September 19, 2011


                                                        Ground Zero Memorial Claim
     The Ground Zero Memorial in New York, where the Twin Towers once stood, is a sincere and gorgeous memorial for all the ones who died on 9/11. The beautiful waterfall is a wonderful and memorable idea to fill the empty spot where the towers once stood. People visit this touching, unique and magnificent memorial from all over the world.

image url:

Friday, September 16, 2011

Poet of September

My top three poems of September :

1. "The Trail is Not a Trail." - Gary Snyder
2. "Gee, You're so Beautiful That It's Starting to Rain." - Richard Brautigan
3. "I Said it to You." - Paul Eluard

For some reason, the poem, "The Trail is Not a Trail," reminds me so much of a country song. It makes me feel like I'm riding in a truck down an old dirt road. It is just like a song I heard on the radio this morning. It goes "Horns are honkin' I've about had it, well I'm lookin' for an exit sign. Gotta get out of here get it all off my mind. Makes me wanna take a back road, makes me wanna take the long way home. Put a little gravel in my travel. Tear down some two lane country and get lost with my soul. Makes me wanna take, makes me wanna take a back road." The feeling when you take a long country drive is the best feeling ever. It clears your mind more than anything else I have ever done. There is nothing better than just taking a trail to an old dirt road and letting the window down to feel the wind against your skin. To me, it doesn't get any better than that. The second poem is so romantic that it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside:) Who doesn't love a nice romantic poem every once in a while. If I had someone to read love poetry to, I would read one to them once a day. If someone read me a love poem I would feel like I was so important to them, it would make my day. I'd like to make someone's day. And the third one, another romance. What can I say? I just love romance. <3

Currently Week 4

Books I have read this week:
Rules of Attraction by Simone Elkeles

Pages this week: 76
Pages this semester: 734

Sentences of the week:
1. I want to live life on my own terms. -Rules of Attraction

2. "It's called bein' a panocha. It's not natural for a guy to be with one girl, Alex. I'm a free agent and I plan to stay one forever." - Rules of Attraction

3. "Do you believe in love at first sight?" - Rules of Attraction

The first sentence was actually the first sentence of the book. It grabbed my attention like a little kid screaming during Sunday Mass. That is the way so many teenagers today think, I know I do sometimes. It was so relateable and made me interested in the book right off the bat. The second sentence just made me laugh out loud. It's a guy named Carlos who is a complete ladies man telling his brother that men can't be with just one girl at a time. He is saying he should break up with his girlfriend and be a free agent just like him. Talk about playin' the field. Do you believe in love at first sight? Is it really possible to fall in love with someone the second you see them for the first time? Is there an instant bond pulling you together when you have never even spoken a word to each other? I have no idea, it has always been a mystery to me. Maybe I'll find out someday, or maybe I will never really know.


When life gives you lemons you make lemonade. A simple phrase has been so helpful with me the past few weeks. It has seemed that nothing has gone right and everything goes downhill. But when life gives you lemons, you simply make lemonade. There is no point in dwelling on what happens if it makes you sad, you just have to realize that everything happens for a reason. Why do we tend to take everything to heart these days? If someone says something hurtful or something goes wrong just brush it off. It is a lesson I have learned that I definately need to work on. I need to live life to the fullest and just enjoy life. Life can get busy and hectic but everyone needs to take some time to just take a deep breath and reflect on everything going on in your life. Realize that everything does happen for a reason. I have learned people don't just say that to say it, but it is in fact a VERY true statement. It's time to start living with that phrase being my modo. Random I know, but it has just been on my life lately. LOVE LIFE<3

Friday, September 2, 2011

Books I read this week:
The Gaurdian by Nicholas Sparks
Tan Lines by Katherine Applegate

Pages this week: 152
Pages this semester: 335

Favorite sentences this week:
1. She told herself all these things and repeated them almost like a mantra, as if the words would give her the strength to go.
-The Gaurdian
2. He met her eyes, staring as if he were seeing her for the first time.
-The Gaurdian
3. "Call me strange, but i sort of like life on the pedestal."
-The Gaurdian

The first sentence is probably my favorite out of the three. It is talking about a woman who is in an abusive relationship and she is trying to find the strength to leave to say her life and her son's. It is sad and powerful but I want her to find the strength. The second sentence is cheesy and lovie dovie, who doesn't love that stuff? The third sentence just made me laugh, I like to live life on the edge and on the pedestal. It's exciting!

Friday, August 26, 2011


The Gaurdian by Nicholas Sparks

Pages this week: 183
Pages this semester: 183

Sentences of the week:

1. "Thanks for coming to my rescue. You're worthless in an emergency." - The Gaurdian

2."That fella sure is ugly." - The Gaurdian

3. The evening wore on and the sky deepened in color, unveiling the stars. -The Gaurdian

While I read sentence number one I couldn't help but laugh out loud. It sarcastic and I love when a book is like that. It makes it seem extremely real because that is how a lot of people talk in real life.
Sentence number two speaks for itself. If you don't laugh at that when you read it something is wrong with you!
When I read sentence number three it made me think more in depth about what happens when the sky gets dark. It was cool to think that as the sky deepens in color the stars are unveiled. I just loved the way he worded it.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

"The Gaurdian"

This week I began to read a book called "The Gaurdian" by Nicholas Sparks. It is a book about a girl, Julie, who lost her husband shortly after they were married. It took her over two years to move on after his death. She works at a salon for her deceased husband, Jim's, Aunt Mabel. She helps her get her life on track again and start back in the dating world.
She meets a man named Richard, who is the most elligable bachelor in town. She starts to wander why he doesn't "knock her socks off" after the few dates they have had together. I think it could be because she is still getting over Jim. But she may also have feelings for Jim's old best friend Mike. Who helped her get through the loss and has always been there for her. She seems very confused about her feelings and can't seem to figure out what she wants. Mike is obviously in love with her, and to me Richard seems way to materialistic. He is trying to buy her love, but Mike is genuine about his feelings. When I think of being in love it is supposed to be about the way a person makes you feel, not about what they are willing to buy you. Love is not something you can buy. She may just be running away from Mike because he was best friends with Jim and she may think that it is wrong to be with him when they have been best friends for so long. She worrys about what Jim might think if he could know, and how wrong that would be if they were to be together. But I believe everything happens for a reason. Jim and Julie were meant to be together for that time period, but Jim was meant to leave this earth when his time came. Julie can't just sit and wait for her time to come and be lonely the rest of her life, she needs to keep what they had in her heart. But she needs to be with someone for the remainder of her time, to keep her life full of happiness and love.
This story is relateable to me in some ways. When it comes to love and loss. I lost my dad in a car accident last year and for a long time I didn't know how to move on. He was my best friend and it took me a while to realize that it was his time. I have to stay here and make my life as happy as I can and not look back on the last moments, but what an amazing father he was to me for 15 years of my life. Certain people were put into my life to help get me through it, and I realized it when they were. When someone in your life is lost that you love so much, it takes time to move on. You never forget them, but the sadness begins to fade when you meet other people who make you happy as well. When I read this book I want to scream to Julie and say "DON'T BE STUPID! YOU LOVE EACHOTHER STOP WASTING TIME! YOU NEED HIM JULIE!" But then I realize that I am reading a book. All I can hope for is that she realizes it soon enough so they can start living their lives the way that everyone else sees it should be. Love is the most important thing on this earth, and those who sit back and ignore it, to me, are the stupidest people on the planet. Nothing can make you happier than knowing someone out there loves you, and you love them just as much.

Friday, August 19, 2011

August 19th

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain."